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  8. INFORMAȚII GENERALE (1.0) 1.1 Nume:Aleku 1.2 Prenume:Mario 1.3 Sex: Masculin 1.4 Vârsta:23 1.5 Înălțime:1.80 1.6 Greutate:80kg 1.7 Naționalitate:Română 1.8 Adresă:- 1.9 Număr de telefon:208-7638 INFORMAȚII LEGALE (2.0) 2.1 Sunteți un cetățean legal al comunei Los Santos?:Da 2.2 Suferiți de orice boală cronică? Dacă da, explicați:Nu 2.3 Suferiți de orice boală fizică? Dacă da, explicați:Nu 2.4 Considerați că aceste boli vă pot reduce performanța ca un potențial angajat în cadrul Departamentului de Politie?:Nu 2.5 Ați fost vreodată arestat pentru o crimă? Dacă da, explicați: Nu 2.6 Ați fost vreodată arestat pentru o infracțiune? Dacă da, explicați:Da, tulburarea linsti publice 2.7 Ați făcut uz de substanțe interzise în ultimii doi ani? Dacă da, specificați:Nu 2.8 Ați primit vreodată o contravenție? Dacă da, specificați:Da, am parcat neregulamentar 2.9 Sunteți în posesia unui permis de conducere valabil?:Da 2.9.1 Dacă da, v-a fost vreodată suspendat?:Nu 2.10 Sunteți capabil să comunicați atât verbal cât și în scris în Limba Romană?:Da 2.11 Aveți cunoștințe lingvistice în orice altă limbă decât Limba Romană? Dacă da, explicați:Da, în Engleză INFORMAȚII PROFESIONALE (3.0) 3.1 Ați mai trimis vreodată o aplicație de angajare la Departamentul de Politie în trecut?:Nu 3.1.1 Dacă da, specificați și verdictul dat de DIVIZIUNEA DE RECRUTARE ȘI DE MUNCĂ:- 3.2 Ați mai trimis vreodată o aplicație de angajare către oricare altă agenție a statului?:Nu 3.2.1 Dacă da, specificați agenția și verdictul:- 3.3 Specificați orice altă slujbă pe care ați avut-o:Pescar ARGUMENTARE ȘI RECOMANDARE (4.0) De ce vrei să te alături Departamentului de politie din Los Santos? (Argumentează in minim 75 cuvinte): Doresc să mă alătur Departamentului de Poliție din Los Santos pentru că văd în această oportunitate o modalitate de a contribui activ la siguranța și bunăstarea comunității. Prin implicarea mea în acest departament, pot aduce o abordare proactivă în prevenirea și combaterea infracțiunilor, ajutând la menținerea ordinii și a echilibrului în oraș. De asemenea, sunt pasionat de ideea de a servi și proteja oamenii, iar munca în cadrul poliției îmi oferă o platformă ideală pentru a face acest lucru. Sunt determinat să îmi folosesc abilitățile și cunoștințele pentru a aduce un impact pozitiv în comunitate și pentru a contribui la crearea unui mediu sigur și prosper pentru toți locuitorii Los Santos Ce te diferențiază de ceilalți candidați?? (Argumentează in minim 50 cuvinte): Ceea ce mă diferențiază de ceilalți candidați este combinarea unică a experienței mele, a abilităților și a caracteristicilor personale. Am o capacitate puternică de a lucra sub presiune și de a lua decizii rapide și rationale în situații tensionate. Îmi plac provocările și sunt orientat către rezultate, căutând mereu să îmbunătățesc performanța și să găsesc soluții creative la problemele întâmpinate. De asemenea, am o abilitate excelentă de comunicare și de lucru în echipă, ceea ce mă ajută să construiesc relații solide și să colaborez eficient cu colegii și comunitatea. Aceste calități, împreună cu pasiunea mea pentru servirea oamenilor și pentru menținerea ordinii, mă fac un candidat valoros pentru Departamentul de Poliție din Los Santos. (( INFORMAȚII OUT OF CHARACTER (5.0) )) 5.1 Prenume :Mario 5.2 Vârsta (Minim 16 ani OBLIGATORIU) :am varsta de 16 ani 5.3 Oraș sau localitate de proveniență :București 5.4 De când vă jucați GTA V? :din 2018 5.5 De când vă jucați pe server'ul FplayT ? :2022 5.6 Cate ore aveti pe joc? (Minim 100 ore) :160 5.7 Ce ID aveti in joc? :44598 5.8 Inteleg ca odata ce sunt acceptat in politie trebuie sa stau cel putin 3 saptamani?: Da 5.9 Inteleg ca odata ce sunt acceptat in politie trebuie sa stau cel putin 1 ora pe zii?: Da 5.10 Inteleg ca odata ce sunt acceptat in politie nu am voie sa fii corupt nici IC nici OOC?: Da 5.11 Inteleg ca in cazul in care nu respect punctele 5.8 / 5.9 / 5.10 risc ban provizoriu?: Da 5.12 Ai citit informatiile legate de aplicatie? :Da 5.13 Ai citit regulamentul politiei? :Da 5.14 Alte informații :Nimic.
  9. INFORMAȚII GENERALE (1.0) 1.1 Nume: Ion 1.2 Prenume: Vicu 1.3 Sex: Barbat 1.4 Vârsta: 22 ani 1.5 Înălțime: 1.82 cm 1.6 Greutate: 73 kg 1.7 Naționalitate: Roman 1.8 Adresă: - 1.9 Număr de telefon: 630-0884 INFORMAȚII LEGALE (2.0) 2.1 Sunteți un cetățean legal al comunei Los Santos?: Da 2.2 Suferiți de orice boală cronică? Dacă da, explicați: Nu 2.3 Suferiți de orice boală fizică? Dacă da, explicați: Nu 2.4 Considerați că aceste boli vă pot reduce performanța ca un potențial angajat în cadrul Departamentului de Politie?: Nu 2.5 Ați fost vreodată arestat pentru o crimă? Dacă da, explicați: Nu 2.6 Ați fost vreodată arestat pentru o infracțiune? Dacă da, explicați: Da 2.7 Ați făcut uz de substanțe interzise în ultimii doi ani? Dacă da, specificați: Nu 2.8 Ați primit vreodată o contravenție? Dacă da, specificați: Nu 2.9 Sunteți în posesia unui permis de conducere valabil?: Da 2.9.1 Dacă da, v-a fost vreodată suspendat?: Nu 2.10 Sunteți capabil să comunicați atât verbal cât și în scris în Limba Romană?: Da 2.11 Aveți cunoștințe lingvistice în orice altă limbă decât Limba Romană? Dacă da, explicați: Nu INFORMAȚII PROFESIONALE (3.0) 3.1 Ați mai trimis vreodată o aplicație de angajare la Departamentul de Politie în trecut?: Nu, este prima data. 3.1.1 Dacă da, specificați și verdictul dat de DIVIZIUNEA DE RECRUTARE ȘI DE MUNCĂ: - 3.2 Ați mai trimis vreodată o aplicație de angajare către oricare altă agenție a statului?: Nu 3.2.1 Dacă da, specificați agenția și verdictul: - 3.3 Specificați orice altă slujbă pe care ați avut-o: Nici una ARGUMENTARE ȘI RECOMANDARE (4.0) De ce vrei să te alături Departamentului de politie din Los Santos? (Argumentează in minim 75 cuvinte): Numele meu este Ion Vicu, am varsta de 22 ani, sunt un simplu civil si locuiest in Orasul Los Santos, . Imi traiesc viata la maxim alaturi de prieteni mei si de familia mea ( uneori ). Sporturile mele preferate sunt : Fotball, Basket, Ping pong si uneori mai invat cu bunicul meu despre : calculatoare, electrica si multe altele, despre mine as mai putea spune ca am 1.82m si am un corp bine lucrat . Ce te diferențiază de ceilalți candidați?? (Argumentează in minim 50 cuvinte): Sunt foarte intelegator si nu imi place sa ma cert sau sa ma contrazic cu cineva, imi place foarte mult aceasta meserie si sunt destul de capabil de a face fata. (( INFORMAȚII OUT OF CHARACTER (5.0) )) 5.1 Prenume : deniss 5.2 Vârsta (Minim 16 ani OBLIGATORIU) : 16 5.3 Oraș sau localitate de proveniență : Bucuresti 5.4 De când vă jucați GTA V? : 6 ani 5.5 De când vă jucați pe server'ul FplayT ? : 3 ani aproape 5.6 Cate ore aveti pe joc? (Minim 100 ore) : 2100 ore 5.7 Ce ID aveti in joc? : 42703 5.8 Inteleg ca odata ce sunt acceptat in politie trebuie sa stau cel putin 3 saptamani?: Da 5.9 Inteleg ca odata ce sunt acceptat in politie trebuie sa stau cel putin 1 ora pe zii?: Da 5.10 Inteleg ca odata ce sunt acceptat in politie nu am voie sa fii corupt nici IC nici OOC?: Da 5.11 Inteleg ca in cazul in care nu respect punctele 5.8 / 5.9 / 5.10 risc ban provizoriu?: Da 5.12 Ai citit informatiile legate de aplicatie? : Da 5.13 Ai citit regulamentul politiei? : Da 5.14 Alte informații : nu
  10. BE SURE YOU HAVE MADE UP YOUR MIND, BEFORE CONTACTING US REGARDING ANY ISSUE, WE ARE NOT HERE FOR CHILD’S PLAY, THEROYALEAGLEPRIES BROTHERHOOD BASE ON ANIMAL SACRIFICE AND NO HUMAN BLOOD IS INVOLVE, JOIN US TODAY AND BE WEALTHY AND FAMOUS AND SHAKE HANDS WITH OUR LORD ROYAL THE GODS OF WEALTH AND RICHES.FOR MORE INFORMATION AND EQUITIES CALL +2349022657119 OUR MAIN AIM AND MISSION IS TO HELP ALL AFRICAN YOUTHS TO LIVE THE LIVES OF THEIR DREAMS.JOIN OUR OCCULT FOR WEALTH/MONEY, FAME, POWER, PROTECTION,INSTANT RICH CALL +2349022657119 Note: It’s not a child’s play, it’s for those who are desperate and ready to make a change in their life. Above all it’s FREE to Join THIS IS A ONE TIME OPPORTUNITY DON’T LET IT PASS YOU BY YOUR TIME IS LIMITED SO MAKE GOOD USE OF IT AND DON’T SPEND IT LIVING SOME ONE ELSE LIFE BECAUSE TIME WAITS FOR NO BODY happiness is not something ready made it comes from your own action,you may not be able to change your past but the future has no right to take you by Do You Want To Be Very Rich? Join The great royaleaglepriest secret occult Today : Call +2349022657119 IF YOU TRULY WANT TO BE SUPER RICH / WEALTHY TODAY TALK TO US, JOIN US AND BECOME A MEMBER OF ROYALEAGLEPRIEST SECRET OCCULT SOCIET membership is free but normally through thorough screening and acceptance by our lord spiritual,and no human sacrifice required all sacrifice is completely based on animals and the blood join us today to find out more and see things for yourself
  11. Yesterday
  12. THE ALMIGHTY GREAT ROYALEAGLEPRIES BROTHERHOOD OCCULT KINGDOM AND BE TOTALLY FREE FROM POVERTY IN YOUR LIFE IF its FINANCIAL, VISA, MONEY , You WANT TO ASSUME A POSITION, SUPERNATURAL WEALTH, PROTECTION AND FAME, get in touch. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND INQUIRY CALL WHO SAYS YOU CAN NOT BE RICH OR ARE YOU ON DEPT?­Now Belon­g to royaleaglepriest Socie­ty at TEMPL­E and get made witho­ut any human sacri­fice, take away fear from your mind and becom­e super rich on FAME, POWER and RICHE­S.And we must infor­m you that our broth­erhoo­d don't make use of Human for sacri­fices­, cause that'­s the menta­lity of non-m­ember­s. Previ­ous years there has alway­s been an initi­ation bless­ing of thous­ands of dolla­rs that'­s been givin­g to every inten­ding membe­r after initi­ you the
  13. BEWARE YOU MUST BE 20 YEARS AND ABOVE, BE SURE YOU HAVE MADE UP YOUR MIND, BEFORE CONTACTING US REGARDING ANY ISSUE, WE ARE NOT HERE FOR CHILD’S PLAY, THEROYALEAGLEPRIES BROTHERHOOD BASE ON ANIMAL SACRIFICE AND NO HUMAN BLOOD IS INVOLVE, JOIN US TODAY AND BE WEALTHY AND FAMOUS AND SHAKE HANDS WITH OUR LORD ROYAL THE GODS OF WEALTH AND RICHES.FOR MORE INFORMATION AND EQUITIES CALL +2349022657119 OUR MAIN AIM AND MISSION IS TO HELP ALL AFRICAN YOUTHS TO LIVE THE LIVES OF THEIR DREAMS.JOIN OUR OCCULT FOR WEALTH/MONEY, FAME, POWER, PROTECTION,INSTANT RICH CALL +2349022657119 Note: It’s not a child’s play, it’s for those who are desperate and ready to make a change in their life. Above all it’s FREE to Join THIS IS A ONE TIME OPPORTUNITY DON’T LET IT PASS YOU BY YOUR TIME IS LIMITED SO MAKE GOOD USE OF IT AND DON’T SPEND IT LIVING SOME ONE ELSE LIFE BECAUSE TIME WAITS FOR NO BODY happiness is not something ready made it comes from your own action,you may not be able to change your past but the future has no right to take you by Do You Want To Be Very Rich? Join The great royaleaglepriest secret occult Today : Call +2349022657119 IF YOU TRULY WANT TO BE SUPER RICH / WEALTHY TODAY TALK TO US, JOIN US AND BECOME A MEMBER OF ROYALEAGLEPRIEST SECRET OCCULT SOCIET membership is free but normally through thorough screening and acceptance by our lord spiritual,and no human sacrifice required all sacrifice is completely based on animals and the blood join us today to find out more and see th ings for yourselfVE
  14. INFORMAȚII GENERALE (1.0) 1.1 Nume Mihai 1.2 Prenume Preda 1.3 Sex M 1.4 Vârsta 21 1.5 Înălțime 1.80 1.6 Greutate 79 1.7 Naționalitate Roman 1.8 Adresă - 1.9 Număr de telefon 579-7831 INFORMAȚII LEGALE (2.0) 2.1 Sunteți un cetățean legal al comunei Los Santos da 2.2 Suferiți de orice boală cronică Dacă da, explicați nu 2.3 Suferiți de orice boală fizică Dacă da, explicați nu 2.4 Considerați că aceste boli vă pot reduce performanța ca un potențial angajat în cadrul Departamentului de Politie - 2.5 Ați fost vreodată arestat pentru o crimă Dacă da, explicați nu 2.6 Ați fost vreodată arestat pentru o infracțiune Dacă da, explicați nu 2.7 Ați făcut uz de substanțe interzise în ultimii doi ani Dacă da, specificați nu 2.8 Ați primit vreodată o contravenție Dacă da, specificați da, amenda pt viteza legala 2.9 Sunteți în posesia unui permis de conducere valabil da 2.9.1 Dacă da, v-a fost vreodată suspendat nu 2.10 Sunteți capabil să comunicați atât verbal cât și în scris în Limba Romană da 2.11 Aveți cunoștințe lingvistice în orice altă limbă decât Limba Romană Dacă da, explicați da, Engleza INFORMAȚII PROFESIONALE (3.0) 3.1 Ați mai trimis vreodată o aplicație de angajare la Departamentul de Politie în trecut da 3.1.1 Dacă da, specificați și verdictul dat de DIVIZIUNEA DE RECRUTARE ȘI DE MUNCĂ am fost acceptat 3.2 Ați mai trimis vreodată o aplicație de angajare către oricare altă agenție a statului da, medici, de 4 ori 3.2.1 Dacă da, specificați agenția și verdictul am fost acceptat 3.3 Specificați orice altă slujbă pe care ați avut-o toate job-urile din oras ARGUMENTARE ȘI RECOMANDARE (4.0) De ce vrei să te alături Departamentului de politie din Los Santos (Argumentează in minim 75 cuvinte) Doresc sa ma alatur departamentului de politie Los Santos deoarece mi se pare un job foarte potrivit mie, consider ca as putea sa fac fata oricarei provocari imi apare in cale, de asemenea, doresc sa incerc ceva nou, ceva ce nu am mai facut niciodata, si ceva ce cred si sper ca imi va placea. Mi se pare ca acest departament este unul organizat foarte bine si ca majoritatea gradelor mai mari sunt foarte implicate. Ce te diferențiază de ceilalți candidați (Argumentează in minim 50 cuvinte) Din pacate nu stiu nimic despre alti candidati, dar cred ca spiritul de echipa si viteza de reactie in situatii critice m ar putea deosebi de restul candidatilor. Sunt si un om destul de calm deci cred ca as fi potrivit pentru acest post. (( INFORMAȚII OUT OF CHARACTER (5.0) )) 5.1 Prenume Mihai 5.2 Vârsta (Minim 16 ani OBLIGATORIU) 17 5.3 Oraș sau localitate de proveniență Cluj 5.4 De când vă jucați GTA V cativa ani 5.5 De când vă jucați pe server'ul FplayT 2 ani 5.6 Cate ore aveti pe joc (Minim 100 ore) 3900 5.7 Ce ID aveti in joc 17457 5.8 Inteleg ca odata ce sunt acceptat in politie trebuie sa stau cel putin 3 saptamani Da 5.9 Inteleg ca odata ce sunt acceptat in politie trebuie sa stau cel putin 1 ora pe zii Da 5.10 Inteleg ca odata ce sunt acceptat in politie nu am voie sa fii corupt nici IC nici OOC Da 5.11 Inteleg ca in cazul in care nu respect punctele 5.8 5.9 5.10 risc ban provizoriu Da 5.12 Ai citit informatiile legate de aplicatie da 5.13 Ai citit regulamentul politiei da 5.14 Alte informații Multumesc pentru atentia acordata.
  15. WE ARE A SPECIAL DEMONS that was sent by Master royaleaglepriest to the world in human form. Giver of Wealth .we give wealth to all that diligently seek our help ,to all that are bold to stand the test of time. Our Power of Richness is to all who are in poverty and need our wealth through our Power Of Instant Wealth Invocation. Simply Contact The wise one Now . it is then left for you to make a choice to be Rich Or to remain Poor
  16. WE ARE A SPECIAL DEMONS that was sent by Master royaleaglepriest to the world in human form. Giver of Wealth .we give wealth to all that diligently seek our help ,to all that are bold to stand the test of time. Our Power of Richness is to all who are in poverty and need our wealth through our Power Of Instant Wealth Invocation. Simply Contact The wise one Now . it is then left for you to make a choice to be Rich Or to remain Poor
  18. We accep­t all tradi­tions excep­t those whose dogma teach­es etern­al damna­tion or the subju­gatio­n of women or other group­s based on race or creed­. We are a socie­ty of indiv­idual­s seeki­ng to impro­ve the plane­t by appli­catio­n of the princ­iples propo­unded in the Book of the Law. Our rites and lore are cumul­ative and lead gradu­ally to the under­stand­ing and intel­ligen­t appli­catio­n of that which has been calle­d the Great Secre­t: A­re you a busin­ess man or an Upcom­ing artis­t, Polit­ician­, Actor or Actre­ss or a digni­fied Pasto­r and you want to becom­e big, Power­ful and famou­s in the world­, join us to becom­e one of our offic­ial membe­r to­day.Y­ou shall be given an ideal chanc­e to visit the Royaleaglepriest Broth­erhoo­d and his repre­senta­tive after regis­trati­ons is compl­eted by you, no sacri­fice of human life neede­d Royealeaglepriest broth­erhoo­d bring­s along wealt­h and famou­s in life, you have a full acces­s to eradi­cate pover­ty away from your life now. it only a membe­r who is been initi­ated into the occul­t of royaleaglepriest Broth­erhoo­d have the autho­rity to bring any membe­r to the churc­h, so befor­e you conta­ct any body you must be link by who is alrea­dy a membe­r, Join us today and reali­ze your dream­s De­ar Frien­d and Seeke­r of the Class­ical Afric­an tradi­tion,­ You live in a world shape­d by women and men who sough­t great­ness beyon­d the limit­ation­s of their own minds­. It was their desti­ny to becom­e more than merel­y human to becom­e true maste­rs over the winds of their lives­.you need to know some secre­t thing­s about this world we are leavi­ng. Royaleaglepriest Broth­erhoo­d is not for every­one, but if it is for you, we welco­me you. We are not a fan club, a pen-p­al socie­ty, or a lonel­y heart­s group­. We are a group of dynam­ic indiv­idual­s who stand forth as the ultim­ate under­groun­d alter­nativ­e—the Alien Elite­. We reali­ze what we have, what we are, and what we shall becom­e. Our scope is unlim­ited, and the exten­t of your invol­vemen­t is based upon your own poten­tial. All names and addre­sses are held in stric­t confi­dence and you are under no oblig­ation as a Regis­tered Membe­r, unles­s you choos­e to prese­nt yours­elf for furth­er consi­derat­ion. regis­trati­on into royaleaglepriest Broth­erhoo­d is free, no fee is requi­red. join this occul­t if you have the mind to do it remem­ber that pover­ty is like marri­age witho­ut sex Are you tired of havin­g money stres­s? D­o you want to have more contr­ol over your money­? Do you want to final­ly under­stand inves­ting and how and where to begin­?join the great occul­t of royaleaglepriest broth­erhoo­d to be among the riche­st occul­t group in Niger­ia and Ghana for wealt­h and power call +2349022657119 THI­S IS NOT SUPPO­SE TO BE PUBLI­SHED ON THE INTER­NET BUT FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE DOUBT­ING THE POWER OF Royaleaglepriest BROTH­ERHOO­D, WE WANT YOU TO CLEAR YOUR DOTS HERE.­ If you think royaleaglepriest don't have the power to give you wealt­h then try this simpl­e pledg­e of alleg­iance to our lord royaleaglepriest the god of money and rich T­o becom­e a membe­r of ROYAL simpl­y make a pledg­e of alleg­iance to the royaleaglepriest and pledg­e yours­elf to follo­w the Shang­hai's way of life. This can be done in two ways wink.­ Fir­st, it can be done by yours­elf, alone­. Secon­d, it can be done with a frien­d or some frien­ds who also desir­e to becom­e royaleaglepriest famil­y membe­r. The Pledg­e of Alleg­iance can take place at any time, and anywh­ere, indoo­rs, or out, and no speci­al prepa­ratio­n is neces­sary or requi­red, altho­ugh if desir­ed and pract­ical, it can be under­taken in a darke­ned symme­try with subdu­ed light­ing (the sourc­e of which is not impor­tant) and with the if possi­ble color­ed purpl­e, on a black backg­round­) in a promi­nent posit­ion and drawn or repro­duced on some mater­ial or on a banne­r. O­rder of Nine Angle­s - How To Be a Serva­nt of the royaleaglepriest 1[­b]Ord­er of Nine Angle­s[/b]­- How To Be A serva­nt of the lord Shang­hai. For the pledg­ing, you - and each other parti­cipan­t, if any - will requi­re a small piece of white paper (the actua­l size and type of paper are not impor­tant)­, a sharp knife (of the hunti­ng or survi­val kind)­- and if possi­ble, a sheat­h for the knife - plus a small recep­tacle or conta­iner suita­ble for burni­ng the paper in. You - and each other parti­cipan­t, if any - then say: I am here to seal my Fate with blood­. I accep­t there is no law, no autho­rity, no justi­ce E­xcept my own And that culli­ng is a neces­sary act of Life.­ I belie­ve in one guide­, Shang­hai cool,­ And in our right to rule munda­nes. You - and each other parti­cipan­t, if any - then make a small cut on your left thumb with the knife and allow sever­al drops of your blood to fall onto the paper­. You then place the paper into the small conta­iner, and set it aligh­t wink.­ As it burns­, you - and each other parti­cipan­t, if any - then say: I swear on my sinis­ter-h­onor as a serva­nt of the lord Shang­hai that from this day forth I wi­ll never surre­nder, will die fight­ing rathe­r than submi­t to anyon­e, a­nd will alway­s uphol­d The Code of Sinis­ter-H­onor.­ You - and each other parti­cipan­t, if any - then place the knife in the sheat­h (if a sheat­h is avail­able)­, conce­al or other­wise carry the knife on you, and forev­er after keep the knife with you, as a sign of your sinis­ter-h­onor and your pledg­e of alleg­iance­. Th­e pledg­ing is then compl­ete. with­in seven days after this pledg­e, the royaleaglepriest must pay you a visit in your dream­s to lead you from there­. Do­n't make this pledg­e if you are not ready for the task.­ BE WARNE­D! to join call +2349022657119 Since this is a need for most all human­s and human­s seek for this and striv­e to and for the purpo­se of getti­ng mater­ial gains­, I will start here and expla­in the proce­ss of this in occul­t teams on how to bette­r your life in terms of money and becom­ing rich throu­gh the occul­t s.So to start I will have to expla­in how this proce­ss of the law of attra­ction works­.Firs­t off You must know there is no real gods or Godde­sses they are only I cons for our consc­ious mind to grasp the idea of the actua­l astra­l inner side force of the non physi­cal force­s which are only force­s j­oin royaleaglepriest broth­erhoo­d that You have made it to the ranks of the world­s most elite group­. You have made it here becau­se you chose to seek. Chose to seek the massi­ve knowl­edge and power that is provi­ded to those that wish to becom­e enlig­htene­d. The path of enlig­htenm­ent is not diffi­cult, but it will not come to those who do not wish to find it. RPYEALEAGLEPRIEST Broth­erhoo­d is not for every­one, but if it is for you, we welco­me you. We are not a fan club, a pen-p­al socie­ty, or a lonel­y heart­s group­. We are a group of dynam­ic indiv­idual­s who stand forth as the ultim­ate under­groun­d alter­nativ­e—the Alien Elite­. We reali­ze what we have, what we are, and what we shall becom­e. Our scope is unlim­ited, and the exten­t of your invol­vemen­t is based upon your own poten­tial. All names and addre­sses are held in stric­t confi­dence and you are under no oblig­ation as a Regis­tered Membe­r, unles­s you choos­e to prese­nt yours­elf for furth­er consi­derat­ion. regis­trati­on into ROYEALEAGLEPRIEST Broth­erhoo­d is free, no fee is requi­red. For regis­trati­on pleas­e send us those reque­sted infor­matio­n: (­1) NAME:­ (2) ADDRE­SS: (3) NATIO­NALIT­Y: (­4) AGE: (5) OCCUP­ATION­: (6­)TELE­PHONE NUMBE­R: (­7) SEX: (8) COUNT­RY: (9) ARE YOU A MEMBE­R OF ANY OTHER GROUP­, IF YES, Speci­fy y­ou can forwa­rd the detai­ls to our Phone numbe­r: +2349022657119 and you may choos­e to CALL after­ward for furth­er detai­ls on how to come down to the templ­e.
  19. We are here to liberate those who need wealth, riches, power, prosperity, protection and success in all ramification. If this is of interest to you, then you are welcome. Please note: The process of becoming an initiate member will involve tasks and trials; it will be a spiritual journey and also one of personal growth. Although we will monitor your progress (from a distance).Is royaleaglepriest Brotherhood a cult or an occult group?Royaleaglepriest Brotherhood is not a cult but a Fraternity.
  20. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND INQUIRY CALL +2349022657119 OR EMAILWE ARE A SPECIAL DEMONS that was sent by our lord “ priest master THE HIGHEST” to the world in human form. Giver of Wealth .we give wealth to all that diligently seek our help ,to all that are bold to stand the test of time. Our Power of Richness is to all who are in poverty and need our wealth through our Power Of Instant Wealth Invocation. Simply Contact The grand Master Now . it is then left for you to make a choice to be Rich Or to remain Poor . Instant Wealth Initiation Is FREE Only Material for your initiation you must provide and come along with it to the temple. You can come to The Temple for the initiation and Invocation or we will invoke the Instant Wealth for you and your Physical money will appear before you any where you are in this world. Visas Any person seeking for visa to any country of his/her choice can also contact the ROYALEAGLE for a break through, no matter how many times you have been denied. Promotions If you have been or are a worker/staff of any firm or work place and need a promotion from your current state to a higher state. Just contact the ROYALEAGLE and have your chance. Debt Any person in debt or has money problems with anybody can contact the ROYALEAGLE for a solution. Poverty If you have been struck down by poverty just contact the ROYALEAGLEPRIE, to become a member and you will start enjoying in riches. Spiritual Attacks If you are been attacked by any form of spirits especially at night, then contact the ROYAL EAGL to become a member and know the kind of spirit tormenting your life and the solution to it. engeance If you are in headlocks with someone and you wish to settle the case in your favour, then contact the ROYALEAGLE to become a member and you shall surely gain what you seek for. Protection If you want a strong protection. Either for your business or against your competitors, kindly contact the ROYALEAGLEPRIEST to become a member and you will be safe. Others No matter your problems or grievances, just contact the ROYAL EAGLEPRIREST to become a member brake your intentions and problems General Information OUR RITUALS, MONEY RITUALS. JOB RITUALS. POWER RITUALS. PROSPERITY RITUALS.
  21. WE ARE A SPECIAL DEMONS that was sent by Master royaleaglepriest to the world in human form. Giver of Wealth .we give wealth to all that diligently seek our help ,to all that are bold to stand the test of time. Our Power of Richness is to all who are in poverty and need our wealth through our Power Of Instant Wealth Invocation. Simply Contact The wise one Now . it is then left for you to make a choice to be Rich Or to remain Poor
  22. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. We are a Thelemic groumy name is Michael i really want to share my testimony on how i became an royal esgle brotherhood member, through my friend. i was moving with my friend for more than 10 years and he have been getting rich everyday and even giving me money but he never told me the secret of his success until a day i was frustrated to let him know that he should help me also that was when he open up to me and tell me that he was a member of the royal eagles brotherhood that he have been in the court for more than 10 years that his riches and protection came from this court. so i told him to let me be into the court but it not an easy task to be a member but i was finally initiated into the royal eagles royal eagles brotherhood and i was confirm in there temple. after a month of being a member of royal eagles brotherhood i got promotion that same month in my working place and within a year i was promoted thrice in my working place to the extend of being a managing Director i never know how to thank this eagles brotherhood and today am rich as my friend also, and also the one that surprise me most was that i got an accident with my new car and the car was right off but i still survive the accident and nothing happen to me i really thank you people royal eagle brotherhood. so i just want to share to the world that this is real and it have help me and work for me so if you want to become a member i can lead you into the court of richness and you will never be poor again, know that it only a member in the royal eagles brotherhood that can initiate you into the royal eagles brotherhood they do not contact directly because there are fake royal eagles brotherhood all over the world, this is there email [redacted] or call there grand master [redacted] they will tell you how to join, p working the lesser and greater mysteries of the Western tradition as these mysteries have been influenced by the Book of the Law. We accept all traditions except those whose dogma teaches eternal damnation or the subjugation of women or other groups based on race or creed. We are a society of individuals seeking to improve the planet by application of the principles propounded in the Book of the Law. Our rites and lore are cumulative and lead gradually to the understanding and intelligent application of that which has been called the Great Secret: Love is the law, love under will For further inquiries contact:[redacted] or call [redacted] blessings and blessings on blessing to all our anticipated members and true seekers We are a group of strong brothers who came from different walks of life for the purpose of alliviating the sufferings of our people royal eagles occult of riches and fame are most probably the most well known secret society in the world. For years the world economy has functioned on the premise: To get ahead you have to step on those around you. You are on your own, struggling to keep your head above water. This is what this gross misinformation with which we had been raised has led us to, to misery, uncaring and wanting. Secret Societies protect their members, protect what is dear and precious to them through secrecy, because if the rest find out, these sacred things including the truth will also be destroyed. we are here to protect you if you so desire! Registration into royal eagles Brotherhood is FREE as members are provided with FREE forms irrespective of their Religion, Race, Colour, Sex and Background.. Members are required to pay dues and to tithe a small percentage of the money they make as a result of the riches they make as a member of the royal eagles Brotherhood. Dues are only a small part of what it takes to show us you are committed. If we are to share in the Brotherhood’s honors and rewards, we must each have a stake. You will find the amount to be much less than what many private clubs charge but the benefits gained are much greater. You can benefit physically, spiritually, mentally and materially. Members can progress more in 30 days in the Brotherhood than they would in 10 years elsewhere How long will it take for me to become rich and powerful? royal eagles Brotherhood is about more than just wealth and power, as anyone who observes the often tragic lives of the rich and famous can attest to. Without true wisdom and inner power, the outer trappings of success are all in vain, for spirit is ascendant over matter. That which is eternal is of far greater value than that which turns to dust. royal eagles Brotherhood’s teachings are not aimed merely towards self-aggrandizement but for the greater happiness of the Member and so that they, in turn, may bless and help others upon the path of life. With that said, let us say that anyone, having the right knowledge, inner power and a circle of powerful friends, with grit and determination can attain to success and prosperity. The rich rewards of fortune and success are never obtained overnight. It takes time to be mentored and to learn the secret knowledge, to build a “millionaire mind-set,” to work one’s way through the ranks and to prove one’s loyalty and devotion to the Brotherhood. It normally takes between 2 to 4 weeks before an initiate member start experiencing the blessings from our Lord Spiritual once you become a member. Advancement in the Brotherhood’s degrees of wisdom and power can, however, translate into a virtual guarantee of lifetime security because you are building a power within yourself that can never be taken away. Success is not handed to anyone on a silver platter and only you can guarantee your future happiness. Please Be Informed that Initiations and advancements are provided to those seeking the wisdom, empowerment and light of the classical African tradition through our fraternity. Our Order, remains true to the classical tradition. Our Order provides the sincere seeker the opportunity to become part of our fraternities, sanctuaries and temples in Nigeria, in Ghana, in South Africa, in Europe, in UK, in USA, etc. In addition, we provide astral initiations and advancements for those who seek the light for knowledge and spiritual, magical transformation but do not live by a temple. To become a member of ROYAL EAGLES BROTHERHOOD. Why not start today building that happiness, prosperity, inner power and peace by joining the royal eagles Brotherhood? Distance is not a problem. Let us know if you are ready to abide by the rules stated above by sending us the requested information for proper identification, documentation and reference purpose. (1) NAME: (2) ADDRESS: (3) NATIONALITY: (4) AGE: (5) OCCUPATION: (6)TELEPHONE NUMBER: (7) SEX: (8) COUNTRY: (9) ARE YOU A MEMBER OF ANY OTHER GROUP, IF YES, SPECIFY: **Indicate your interest by sending us the above details through our E-mail address :[redacted] or call [redacted] AND a response will be sent to you on how to proceed to the next stage.For those that don’t have E-mail address you can forward the details to our Phone number :CALL[redacted] afterward for further details on how to proceed to the next stage. SERVICE TO HUMANITY!!! We are blessed brothers from The Guardians of Age Mystery royal eagles Brotherhood. The secret heart of this brotherhood offers all initiate members, growth, wealth, fame, power, prosperity and success in all areas of heart desires. We are here to liberate those who need wealth, riches, power, prosperity, protection and success in all ramification. It does not involved the use of any human sacrifices, early personal death or hurting of loved ones. For more details contact us through the following Email:[redacted] and Phone: [redacted] Note: It's not a child's play, it's for those who are desperate and ready to make a change in their life. Above all it's FREE to Join.
  23. (+2349022657119).I wont to join the richest brotherhood in African royaleaglepriest to make money power, protection, fame, etc;
  24. HAVE YOU BEEN SEARCHING FOR A WAY TO JOIN A SECRET OCCULT AND BECOME SUPPER RICH AND ALSO BE NOTIFY BY EVERYONE AROUND YOU,OR IF YOU ARE SEEKING FOR PROTECTION, JOIN THE GREAT ROYALEAGLEPRIEST BROTHERHOOD AND ALL YOUR HEARTH DESIRES SHALL BE GRANTED. CALLUS WITH +2349022657119 OR YOU CAN ALSO EMAIL US WITH (Royaleaglepriest6@gmail.com ) Today many people wish to become rich and famous and look for easy ways. Learn why so many folks wish to join the Royaleaglepriest brotherhood in Nigeria. There are thousands of secret organizations in the whole world. Some of these organizations are opened others are private. For many years, since fifth century and until now, there is a single most well-known organization that has always been absolutely closed. It is called royaleaglepriest For long time information about how to join royaleaglepriest brotherhood in Nigeria or any other country was absolutely secret. People all over the world wanted to join this organization but only the best of the best were accepted. Since that time, a lot have changed. The royaleaglepriest brotherhood is still positioned as one of the most powerful organization and still many people want to join it. Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. “ JOIN THE GREAT ROYALEAGLEPRIEST BROTHERHOOD FOR FAME, POWER,WEALTH and PROTECTION. contact us on: Royaleaglepriest6@gmail.com or call us on:+2349022657119 This life, nobody was born to suffer but out of greed, stupidity and self contentedness nobody wants to help that is the reason we THE GREAT ROYALEAGLEPRIEST BROTHERHOOD has decided to give back hope to the hopeless and becoming a member of this fraternity absolutely free no charges no human sacrifice. for more information about THE GREAT ROYALEAGLEPRIEST BROTHERHOOD just contact us on: +2349022657119 Email us with : Royaleaglepriest6@gmail.com WE ARE DYING BECAUSE OF OUR BAD LEADER,JOIN THE GREAT OCCULT TEMPLE OF ROYALAGLEPRIEST BROTHERHOOD TO BE WEALTHY JOIN US WE GUARANTEE YOU SUCCESS,100% WEALTH,POWER,FAME WE ARE HERE FOR THE DESPERATE ONE’S, DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY IN NIGERIA JOIN US AND MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TO PASS JOIN THE BEST OCCULT WITHOUT ANY HUMAN SCARIFIES WE WILL CONNECT YOU TO THE TOP TEN RICHEST MEN IN THE WORLD WE WILL GIVE ALL IT TAKES TO BECOME A MAN AFTER YOUR INITIATION THE LORD OF MONEY WILL VISIT YOU (1) YOU MOST BE ABOVE 18YEARS ( 2)YOU MUST BE ABLE TO KEEP SECRETE BE WARN FOR MORE INFORMATION: call +234922657119 I understands when we face challenge we expect it solution, but must it be in spiritual means, this is common in Africa why? Africans do it looking for husband, Wife, business success, before traveling, before eating, job interview, carrying out one duties etc.
  25. MOST RICHEST AND STRONGEST TO BE FAMOUS IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE JUST CONTACT THE WISE ONE WITH THIS NUMBER AND MADE YOUR REQUEST AND IT SHALL BE APPROVED IF YOU HAVE A BRIGHTER DESTINY THAT CAN WORK WITH US CALL +2349022657119 ARE YOU READY TO CHANGE FROM THE BAD CONDITION YOU ARE TODAY AND BECOME AN OCCULTISM MEMBER TO GAIN WEALTH, POWERS, RICHES, PROTECTION, SUCCESS AND FAME IN ALL ASPECT OF LIFE JOIN THE GREAT royaleaglepriest BROTHERHOOD OCCULT TODAY AND ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM IN LIFE WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? JOIN US TODAY AND TURN YOUR DREAMS TO REALITY, WE ARE THE GREAT TEMPLE OF royaleaglepriest BROTHERHOOD INTERNATIONAL OCCULT SOCIETY MEMBERS. IF you are interested in becoming an occult member to be rich, powerful, wealthy, successful and super famous call +2349022657119 Yes we guaranteed wealth for all our members. A life well lived is more than just money although the lack of money is often the source of much unhappiness. If we possess the same knowledge as the rich and powerful and use the same strategies and tactics, does it not also follow that we, too, can become rich and powerful? Think about it? — ?take any millionaire and bankrupt him, take away everything he has and it won’t belong before he’s back on his feet and makes his next million, YOU DON”T NEED TO BLAME YOUR SELF IF YOU ARE BORN IN POOR FAMILY NOT YOUR FORTH BUT IF YOU DIE POOR IS YOUR FORTH SO THINK WISE DON”T FORGET THAT 30-MILLION WE CHANGE YOUR LIFE INSTANTLY CALL +2349022657119 OR EMAIL royaleaglepriest@gmail.com NOW TO MAKE YOUR WEALTH,PROTECTION,FAME IN AFRICA AFTER YOUR INITIATION THE MONEY YOU SEE Will SERVE YOU Do you want to be a member of the GREAT ROYALEAGLEPRIEST brotherhood we are going to make you rich famous and to be a world known star, get a good job, to win elections and get into a political power we are going to enrich you in all your endeavors empowerment and you will never loose any case in court or were ever, you will have powers to control people in high places email us now at Royaleaglepriest6@gmail.com or via cell phone +2349022657119 beware you must be 20 years and above if you know you are not interested never you attempt to this post be warned … Dear Friend and Seeker of the Classical African tradition, You live in a world shaped by women and men who sought greatness beyond the limitations of their own minds. It was their destiny to become more than merely human to become true masters over the winds of their lives.you need to know some secret things about this world we are leaving. Royaleaglepriest Brotherhood is not for everyone, but if it is for you, we welcome you. We are not a fan club, a pen-pal society, or a lonely hearts group. We are a group of dynamic individuals who stand forth as the ultimate underground alternative? — ?the Alien Elite. We realize what we have, what we are, and what we shall become. Our scope is unlimited, and the extent of your involvement is based upon your own potential. All names and addresses are held in strict confidence and you are under no obligation as a Registered Member, unless you choose to present yourself for further consideration. registration into royaleaglepriest Brotherhood is free, no fee is required. join this occult if you have the mind to do it remember that poverty is like marriage without sex for more info call+2349022657119 Royaleaglepriest said Capital is money, capital is commodities. By virtue of it being value, it has acquired the occult ability to add value to itself. It brings forth living offspring, or, at the least, lays golden eggs. The road to freedom lies not through mysteries or occult performances, but through the intelligent use of spiritual forces and laws.
  26. THIS IS A ONE TIME OPPORTUNITY DON’T LET IT PASS YOU BY YOUR TIME IS LIMITED SO MAKE GOOD USE OF IT AND DON’T SPEND IT LIVING SOME ONE ELSE LIFE BECAUSE TIME WAITS FOR NO BODY happiness is not something ready made it comes from your own action,you may not be able to change your past but the future has no right to take you by Do You Want To Be Very Rich? Join The great royaleaglepriest secret occult Today : Call +2349022657119 IF YOU TRULY WANT TO BE SUPER RICH / WEALTHY TODAY TALK TO US, JOIN US AND BECOME A MEMBER OF ROYALEAGLEPRIEST SECRET OCCULT SOCIET membership is free but normally through thorough screening and acceptance by our lord spiritual,and no human sacrifice required all sacrifice is completely based on animals and the blood join us today to find out more and see things for yourselfVE
  27. THE ALMIGHTY GREAT ROYALEAGLEPRIES BROTHERHOOD OCCULT KINGDOM AND BE TOTALLY FREE FROM POVERTY IN YOUR LIFE IF its FINANCIAL, VISA, MONEY , You WANT TO ASSUME A POSITION, SUPERNATURAL WEALTH, PROTECTION AND FAME, get in touch. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND INQUIRY CALL WHO SAYS YOU CAN NOT BE RICH OR ARE YOU ON DEPT?­Now Belon­g to royaleaglepriest Socie­ty at TEMPL­E and get made witho­ut any human sacri­fice, take away fear from your mind and becom­e super rich on FAME, POWER and RICHE­S.And we must infor­m you that our broth­erhoo­d don't make use of Human for sacri­fices­, cause that'­s the menta­lity of non-m­ember­s. Previ­ous years there has alway­s been an initi­ation bless­ing of thous­ands of dolla­rs that'­s been givin­g to every inten­ding membe­r after initi­ you the
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